Poetica Workshop – MINING FOR ODES: A PRACTICE OF AWE – writing workshop w. Laura Jan Shore

Poetica is thrilled to present this wonderful workshop with poet Laura Jan Shore who will be visiting Sydney on July 3 for the workshop and on July 4 to feature at Poetica Petit. See below for details and tickets to both events.

MINING FOR ODES: A PRACTICE OF AWE – writing workshop with Laura Jan Shore 

Awe is immense elation and freedom that allows the confining outlines of the small…                        
Awe defeats the neurosis of the small self.—
Chris Albani  

Turn the mundane into art. Join an intimate circle of poets to create praise songs; poems that celebrate the ordinary.  As we cultivate our reverential attention, we find all things more meaningful. We will read contemporary odes to discover what makes them sing and develop our craft to write our own.

Workshop booking here: https://events.humanitix.com/mining-for-odes-a-practice-of-awe-writing-workshop-w-laura-jan-shore

Poetica Petit booking here: https://www.woollahragallery.com.au/Whats-On/Events/Poetica-Petit-2024#

Laura Jan Shore writes and teaches poetry in the Byron shire. Her poetry collections include Breathworks (Dangerously Poetic Press, 2002), Water over Stone (Interactive Press, 2011), Afterglow (Interactive Press, 2020). Her latest, The Generosity of Birds won the 2023 Louis Award, Concrete Wolf Press, Oregon, USA, 2024. Her work has appeared in anthologies and literary journals on four continents including The Griffith Review, Magma and The Best Australian Poems 2013. Her readings have included Poetica – on Radio National, The Brett Whitely reading series, the Hudson Valley Writer’s Centre in NY, Perth Poetry Club, Byron Writers Festival, and Queensland Poetry Festival among many others.  In 2019, she received her MFA in Poetry from Pacific University in Oregon.

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One thought on “Poetica Workshop – MINING FOR ODES: A PRACTICE OF AWE – writing workshop w. Laura Jan Shore

  1. Hi Miriam, thank you. These sound so good. I have not been for a while because I have been overseas and also both of us have not been well and we now have Covid. I will book for them at the beginning of next week hopefully. Regards Sheila Kirche


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