Poetica Petit #23 – Feat: Oormila Vijayakrishnan Prahlad + Marc Cottee

On June 13 we are very excited to launch artist and poet Oormila Vijayakrishnan Prahlad’s poetry book Patchwork Fugue at Poetica Petit. We are also delighted to have didgeridoo player Marc Cottee to set the night in motion and take us on a sound journey. Last, but by far not least, we have the grand old open mic PLUS wine and cheese and kombucha. Come bring in the winter with us downstairs in the Cultural Hub. Limited seats so best get booking!


Oormila Vijayakrishnan Prahlad is an Indian-Australian artist, poet, and improv pianist who was raised in the Middle East. She holds a Masters in English, and is a member of Sydney’s North Shore Poetry Collective. She was a founding editor of the Sydney based literary journal Authora Australis. Her works have been widely published in various print and online literary journals and anthologies including, Cordite Poetry Review, Bracken Magazine, Sidhe Press (Germany) and Black Bough Poetry (UK). Her poetry and art have been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and multiple times for the Sundress Best of the Net Awards Anthology. She was long listed for the Dai Fry Memorial Award for Mystical Poetry in Wales, UK, in 2022. She won the 66th Moon Prize awarded by Writing in a Woman’s Voice Journal,US,  and was a finalist in the Glass House Poetry Awards. She is the author of three digital micro chapbooks published by Origami Poems Project, US. Patchwork Fugue is her debut collection of experimental poetrypublished by Atomic Bohemian Press, UK, in February 2024. She lives and works in New South Wales, on the traditional lands of The Eora Nation. Find her on Twitter:  @oormilaprahlad 

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One thought on “Poetica Petit #23 – Feat: Oormila Vijayakrishnan Prahlad + Marc Cottee

  1. Hi Miriam, I seem to have somehow missed this email re May 16 but I have been overseas and also unable to get out at night as much as I used to. I believe the next Poetica is on a Saturday, Miss it very much. Regards Sheila Kirche


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